2022 Short Course in Multi-scale Analysis of Sustainability
The security of food, energy and water is interwoven with human, economic and environmental sustainability. This recognition suggests that decision making for sustainability could benefit from a nexus approach that integrates resources across sectors and scales. The short course is designed to provide students comprehensive training in the equilibrium modeling tools for economic as well as interdisciplinary analysis of sustainability issues across local, national and global scales. Two quantitative tools will be covered in this course: the non-gridded SIMPLE model and the gridded SIMPLE-G model. The training modules are designed to provide an immersive experience that spans geo-spatial data, model code, and software structures to allow participants to examine real policy problems and synthesize quantitative results while enhancing their own intuition.
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Multi-scale Analysis of Sustainability (2022): Getting Started with GEMPACK
Module 1
Multi-scale Analysis of Sustainability (2022): Impacts of Population Growth
Module 2
Multi-scale Analysis of Sustainability (2022): Impacts of Population and Income Growth on Global Agricultural Output, Prices and Land Use
Module 3
Multi-scale Analysis of Sustainability (2022): Economic Responses to Scarcity in the Global Food System
Module 4
Multi-scale Analysis of Sustainability (2022): Impacts of Economic Growth and Climate Change on Undernutrition
Module 5
Multi-scale Analysis of Sustainability (2022): SIMPLE-G on-site course
Module 6
Multi-scale Analysis of Sustainability (2022): Small group presentations
Module 7
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