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If you are an instructor interested in using the CyberFACES platform, you have multiple options.

First, you can browse our existing modules and use them in your existing course to supplement your existing teaching content. For example, if you teach hydrology, you can have your students use one of the modules on downloading digital elevation model (DEM) or streamflow data to not only get the data but also use Python to automate the process.

Second, if you want to offer a workshop, you can use one of our pre-packaged workshop modules to offer a short workshop.

Third, if you want to offer a badge, certificate, or course at your institution, you either use a pre-packaged unit or create your own by combining different modules.

Finally, if you have existing material that fits within the broader definition of “CyberTraining”, please consider the CyberFACES platform as an avenue to publish your content for the community of learners. In any of the above cases, if you have any questions, please reach out using the Contact Us link.

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Use our platform today and empower learners to equip about Python and R.

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